Registered student organizations may either create their own unique logos or request an official logo.
Student leaders or faculty advisors may request an official logo from the Office of Communications and Marketing. The communications office does not create unique logos for student organizations.
Student organizations may use the university logo on merchandise but only according to the standards outlined here.
Official Logos
Student organizations may request a logo that is closely identified with the university’s logo system.
Official student organization logos will follow the approved design and may only be created by the Office of Communications and Marketing. Student organizations may not attempt to replicate an official logo.
If a student organization wants to request an official logo, they may do so according to the following process:
- The primary organization advisor or the primary contact on file with the Center for Student Engagement should complete the request form.
- The Office of Communications and Marketing will confirm the requestor’s name and the registered status of the organization via the directory on the Center for Student Engagement’s website.
- The Office of Communications and Marketing will create the logo based on the organization’s official name on file with the Center for Student Engagement. For simplicity and to reduce redundancy, any part of the organization’s name that includes reference to the university name (ie: “…at the University of Tennessee” or “…at UT”) will not be included in the logo.
Student organizations that have official logos may produce promotional items bearing their logo but should not include or incorporate any additional university trademarks.
Because official student organization logos include a university trademark, in accordance with university fiscal policy, student organizations must always use a licensed vendor when producing merchandise that includes their official logo, whether for resale or for use as promotional giveaways.
Unique Logos
Student organizations are welcome to create their own logos or continue use of existing logos to identify their organization.
Student organization logos may be subject to review and approval by the Center for Student Engagement.
Unique logos for student organizations must meet the following standards:
- They may not include or incorporate trademarks licensed by the University of Tennessee, including logos or icons, without approval from the Office of Trademark Licensing. As outlined in Hilltopics, the phrase “the University of Tennessee” is a trademark and cannot precede the name of a campus organization, even in its logo; however, the phrase may follow the name (ie: Chess Club at the University of Tennessee).
- They may not include any words, symbols, or images that might reflect poorly on the University of Tennessee.
- They may include any symbol that identifies with their parent organization (ie: Greek letters, seal, or existing logo) as long as they meet any standards outlined by the parent organization.
Student organizations with unique logos may use their organization logo alongside the university logo or appropriate departmental logo.
The Office of Communications and Marketing does not create unique logos for student organizations.
Apparel and Merchandise Requirements for Student Organizations or Clubs
Student organizations may not use any trademark licensed graphic or illustration of the University of Tennessee other than the university logo or an official student organization logo without approval from the Office of Trademark Licensing.
Registered student organization logos can only be used on the following items according to the approved merchandise layouts:
- Apparel in orange, white, or gray only
- Merchandise in orange, white, gray, clear, or silver only
According to university fiscal policy, merchandise and apparel may only be ordered from university licensed vendors.
Logo Colors
The vendor should use the logo in the standard color whenever possible on merchandise. When printing on a white background, the imprint will be two colors—Tennessee Orange and Smokey. When printing on a light-colored background, the imprint will be three colors—Tennessee Orange, Smokey, and white.
If printing on an orange- or dark-colored background, the vendor should use the appropriate reversed color logo. When printing on an orange background, the imprint will be one color—white. When printing on a dark background, the imprint will be two colors—Tennessee Orange and white.
You may sometimes be limited to a one-color imprint on merchandise. One-color logos may only be reproduced in Tennessee Orange or white on merchandise as follows:
- Tennessee Orange imprint on a white, gray, silver, or clear background
- White imprint on an orange background
Art Approval
Before being printed, vendors will submit all product designs to the Office of Communications and Marketing or the Office of Trademark Licensing for review to ensure the university logo is being used correctly. The design of any item that includes the university logo that might reflect poorly on the university will not be approved.
Student organizations that have official logos may work with a university-contracted licensed vendors to produce any promotional item bearing their logo but should not include or incorporate any additional university trademarks.
Submitted art that attempts to recreate an established unit identity is forbidden. Submitted art must clearly state that the group is a student organization.